Jack the Ripper - translation to ρωσικά
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Jack the Ripper - translation to ρωσικά

Jack-the-Ripper; Jack The Ripper; Ripperology; Fairy Fay; Annie Millwood; Annie Farmer; The Pinchin Street Murder; Ada Wilson; Jack the ripper; Jack the Ripper non-fiction; Leather Apron; Leatherapron; Ripperologists; Ripperologist; The Whitechapel Murderer; The Whitechapel murderer; Leather apron; Jack the rippers victims; Whitechapel murderer; Whitechapel Murderer; Jack the Ripper letters
  • Contemporaneous police drawing of the body of [[Catherine Eddowes]], as discovered in [[Mitre Square]]
  • Inspector [[Frederick Abberline]]
  • Frances Coles was found with her throat cut under a railway arch in Whitechapel on 13 February 1891.<ref>Fido, p. 113; Evans and Skinner (2000), pp. 551–557</ref>
  • From Hell]]" letter
  • 29 [[Hanbury Street]]. The door through which [[Annie Chapman]] and her murderer walked to the yard where her body was discovered is beneath the numerals of the property sign
  • Punch]]'' cartoon of 1888
  • Tom Merry]]
  • 978-0-7835-0001-0}} p. 93</ref>
  • Official police photograph of the body of [[Mary Jane Kelly]] as discovered in 13 Miller's Court, [[Spitalfields]], 9 November 1888
  • 22 September}} 1888) criticising the police's alleged incompetence. The failure of the police to capture the killer reinforced the attitude held by radicals that the police were inept and mismanaged.<ref>Begg, ''Jack the Ripper: The Definitive History'', p. 57</ref>
  • 8 September 1888 edition of the ''[[Penny Illustrated Paper]]'' depicting the discovery of the body of the first canonical Ripper victim, [[Mary Ann Nichols]]
  • Dorset Street]] (middle left)
  • "The [[Whitehall Mystery]]" of October 1888

Jack the Ripper         
[ист.] Джек Потрошитель
Jack the Ripper         


общая лексика

Джек Потрошитель (оставшийся неизвестным преступник, совершивший ряд убийств женщин в Лондоне в конце 19 в.)

Jack the Ripper         
[ист.] Джек-Потрошитель


Эдуард Исповедник
(Edward the Confessor)

(ок. 1003, Айслип, Оксфордшир,-5.1.1066, Лондон), англосаксонский король с 1042. Был избран на престол на совете знати, стремившейся восстановить в его лице древнюю англосаксонскую династию и ликвидировать датское господство в стране. Э. И., долго живший на континенте, прибыл в Англию в сопровождении многочисленной свиты нормандских феодалов, которые вскоре заняли ключевые позиции при дворе. Недовольство засильем нормандцев вылилось в 1051 в восстание, которое возглавил тесть Э. И. Годвин Уэссексский; восставшие добились изгнания нормандцев из Англии. Управление государством фактически перешло к Годвину (ум. 1053) и его сыну Гарольду, которому Э. И. завещал престол.


Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper was an unidentified serial killer active in and around the impoverished Whitechapel district of London, England, in the autumn of 1888. In both criminal case files and the contemporaneous journalistic accounts, the killer was called the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron.

Attacks ascribed to Jack the Ripper typically involved female prostitutes who lived and worked in the slums of the East End of London. Their throats were cut prior to abdominal mutilations. The removal of internal organs from at least three of the victims led to speculation that their killer had some anatomical or surgical knowledge. Rumours that the murders were connected intensified in September and October 1888, and numerous letters were received by media outlets and Scotland Yard from individuals purporting to be the murderer.

The name "Jack the Ripper" originated in the "Dear Boss letter" written by an individual claiming to be the murderer, which was disseminated in the press. The letter is widely believed to have been a hoax and may have been written by journalists to heighten interest in the story and increase their newspapers' circulation. The "From Hell letter" received by George Lusk of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee came with half of a preserved human kidney, purportedly taken from one of the victims. The public came increasingly to believe in the existence of a single serial killer known as Jack the Ripper, mainly because of both the extraordinarily brutal nature of the murders and media coverage of the crimes.

Extensive newspaper coverage bestowed widespread and enduring international notoriety on the Ripper, and the legend solidified. A police investigation into a series of eleven brutal murders committed in Whitechapel and Spitalfields between 1888 and 1891 was unable to connect all the killings conclusively to the murders of 1888. Five victims—Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly—are known as the "canonical five" and their murders between 31 August and 9 November 1888 are often considered the most likely to be linked. The murders were never solved, and the legends surrounding these crimes became a combination of historical research, folklore, and pseudohistory, capturing public imagination to the present day.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Jack the Ripper
1. Sutcliffe is a deranged murderer who butchered more women than Jack the Ripper.
2. They now make musicals about Jack the Ripper and Al Capone.
3. Miller has described the line as part Patti Smith, part back alley Jack the Ripper.
4. Like Jack the Ripper and Ronnie Biggs, it has become etched onto the national consciousness.
5. Jack the Ripper remains infamous, in part because his identity was never unmasked.
Μετάφραση του &#39Jack the Ripper&#39 σε Ρωσικά